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KataCon6 Presentations - Austin, TX, February 19-21, 2020
2020 Kata Summit Presentations
What We're Learning - Mike Ricard (7:49)
Kata Across the Manufacturing Extension Partnership - Jeff Kopenitz (7:54)
Kata in the Classroom Update - Mike Rother (10:37)
Who's on First? The Vital Importance of a Shepherding/Advance Groups - Brandon Brown (15:29)
LEVEL SET - Live Coaching Cycle - Steven Kane and Elaine Cressionnie (25:17)
Closing Keynote and Observations - Mike Rother (43:47)
Kata Community Update - Steve Medland (9:11)
What We're Learning - Michael Lombard (12:25)
Can Toyota Kata Operationalize Patient Engagement? - Tyson Ortiz (15:09)
Lessons from a Decade of Toyota Kata at OC Tanner - Tyson Heaton (15:19)
Mindset? Tools? Both! - Mark Rosenthal (8:16)
A Special Kickoff - Billy Taylor (16:50)
Developing People with Kata - Melissa Christman (19:38)
Practicing Mindfully - Amy Mervak (20:16)
LEVEL SET - Confirming the "why" & a 4-Step Review - Oscar Roche (15:24)
Kata in the Board Room - Deondra Wardelle (21:46)
Get Better Jump Start: Kaizen Done Kata Style - Andrea Simpson (23:17)
Kata in Secret - Tracy Defoe (24:35)
With a Little Help From My Friends - Drew Locher (31:28)
Kata Coaching's Link to Cognitive Development & Personality - William Harvey (32:08)
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Who's on First? The Vital Importance of a Shepherding/Advance Groups - Brandon Brown
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